Membership Levels
STA Member Qualifications & Benefits
(STA Membership required for participation in U.S. Payments Forum or Identity & Access Forum activities.)
The Secure Technology Alliance offers five levels of membership for organizations of all sizes who want to be at the forefront of digital security, and receive valuable insight, benefits, and opportunities from participation in the Alliance. Any individual, student, firm, partnership, incorporated industry association, college or university, or governmental body may apply for membership.
All levels of membership include complimentary passes to in-person and virtual events, complimentary LEAP membership, the opportunity to participate in an unlimited number of working committees, and access to exclusive Alliance deliverables through collaboration portal and a members-only website. All benefits are listed below. Alliance membership runs for 12 months and begins on the first day of the month following the date the completed membership application is received. Approval of the membership application is typically granted within a week of receipt.
Leadership – Annual Dues US $14,000 – $30,000
This exclusive level of membership offers the most advantages for organizations that desire full benefits in the Secure Technology Alliance. Leadership members are eligible to be elected to the Board Executive Committee, to participate in our speakers bureau and advisory panels, and to have priority selection for speaking, exhibiting, and sponsoring at conference activities. This membership level is open to any firm, partnership, incorporated industry association, educational institution, or governmental body. Specific dues tiers are based on the member’s annual revenue. Global Payment Networks are required to join at this level, $30,000 dues tier.
Principal – Annual Dues US $4,000 – $16,000
Principal members have all the benefits of General, Associate, and Individual members as well as eligibility to be elected to serve on the Alliance Board as a voting member. These other benefits include ability to chair the various working committees, serve on a forum steering committee, and be elected as an officer of a steering committee. This membership level is open to any firm, partnership, incorporated industry association, educational institution, or governmental body. Specific dues tiers are based on the member’s annual revenue. There is a special tier for start-up organizations that have been in operation less than 2 years.
General Member – Annual Dues US $1,200 – $8,000
Secure Technology Alliance General Membership is open to any organization that is interested in supporting the mission of the Secure Technology Alliance. General Members make up most of the Alliance membership. Typically, these organizations are committed leaders in their respective markets but do not wish to commit the financial or personnel resources to participate at the Leadership or Principal levels. General members are invited to participate in all Alliance activities, attending conferences and member meetings and participating in Industry Councils and Work Groups. They are eligible to be elected to a forum steering committee and to be elected as an officer of a steering committee. Specific dues tiers are based on the member’s annual revenue. There is a special tier for start-up organizations that have been in operation less than 2 years.
Associate (Government, Education, Industry Association) Member Level – Annual Dues US $2,100
Secure Technology Alliance Associate Membership is open to any government agency (federal, state, or local or government-run public authority such as public transit agency), post-secondary college or university, or incorporated industry association whose membership is consistent with the activities of the Alliance. Associate members are invited to participate in all Alliance activities, attend conferences and member meetings and participate in STA and forum working committees. They are also eligible to chair working committees.
Individual & Student – Annual Dues US $1,200 ($50 for Students)
The Associate Membership level is open to individual consultants, contractors, or other professionals who are not full-time or part-time employees of a public or privately held company or government agency that qualifies for membership under other member levels. Individual members are invited to participate in all Alliance activities, attend conferences and member meetings, and participate in STA and forum working committees.