Testing and Certification Working Committee
The Testing and Certification Working Committee goal is to discuss the challenges with EMV certification and define approaches for achieving certification to meet the payment network milestones for fraud liability shift. Areas for focus include: education on the testing and certification that is required for different industry stakeholders; evaluation of current processes to define approaches for streamlining testing and certification; serving as a testing and certification resource for other U.S. Payments Forum Working Committees
Testing and Certification Working Committee co-chairs are:
- Henk van Dam, Fime
- Ed Perez, Verifone
- KJ Condie, Voyager/U.S. Bank
The Testing and Certification Working Committee has completed educational resources on testing and certification processes in EMV implementation, including:
- Chip Education for Value-Added Resellers (VARs), Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and Merchants. This education series provides U.S. VARs, ISVs and merchant organizations with an understanding of the U.S. market for EMV migration, U.S. debit deployment, development preparation, kernel management guidelines, lessons learned and testing considerations to assist with EMV chip migrations.
- EMV Level 3 Contactless Certification Recommended Solutions to Reduce Deployment Time, resource discussing challenges and potential solutions to implementation and deployment of Level 3 (L3) certified EMV contactless implementations for merchants
- EMV Testing and Certification: Current Global Payment Network Requirements for the U.S. Acquiring Community white paper, providing current acquirer host and EMV chip terminal testing requirements relevant to the U.S. market.
- EMV Workshop for VARs, ISVs, and ISOs, providing a comprehensive review of chip technology for VARs, ISVs and independent service organizations (ISOs).
- Industry Awareness on the Adoption of the EMV L3 Testing Framework webinar
- Intake Form Terminology for EMV Level 3 POS Certification. This resource provides common definitions of terms used in Level 3 certification intake forms.
- Introduction to mPOS and TapToMobile Solutions a resource created to offer guidance on different form factors and technologies associated with these payment systems.
- Migrating Fleet Cards to EMV a new resource to help payment stakeholders understand what is involved in the shift to EMV fleet transactions, and to provide insight on the current migration status.
- Options for Reducing Level 3 EMV Certification Time for Retailer Systems using Electronic Payment Servers (EPS), resource discussing solutions to help reduce the implementation time and effort required for the AFD community to meet the October 2020 fraud liability shift deadline
- Panels and education sessions at Forum meetings on contact and contactless EMV testing and certification requirements and processes.
- Point of Sale User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Considerations offers guidance for UAT to reduce production and acceptance issues following the deployment of POS Solutions.
Working Committee participation is open to all U.S. Payments Forum members. Contact Devon Rohrer, [email protected] , for information on Working Committee participation or projects.