covid-19 contactless payment
Contactless Limits and EMV Transaction Processing

Publication Date: October 2020

EMV contactless payment transactions are increasing in the U.S. market, both from consumer preference and from the payments industry promoting contactless as an approach to achieve a faster and cleaner payment experience during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unlike contact EMV, contactless implementations use a unique kernel for each contactless specification.  As a result, the experience at the POS can vary and create consumer confusion.  Key factors in this variation are the different limits set for contactless transactions by each payment network.

White paper topics include:

  • Definitions of the different contactless limits for EMV contactless transactions
  • Differences between EMV contactless and EMV contact transactions
  • Differences among different contactless consumer devices
  • Contactless limits values and implementation considerations for the payment networks participating in the white paper development

This white paper was developed to provide guidance to help merchants, acquirers and issuers improve the contactless consumer experience at the POS. Merchants are advised to consult with their acquirers, solution providers and payment network representatives to get the most up-to-date information and to discuss the implications for their implementation.

Other Contactless Payments Resources

Other Forum resources on contactless payments include:

Please note:  The information on this web page is intended solely as a convenience for its readers and does not constitute legal or medical advice, or supersede the advice, recommendations or requirements of relevant governmental or health authorities. Readers are cautioned to comply with all such authorities.  All warranties of any kind are disclaimed, including but not limited to warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, effectiveness or adequacy of information herein.  Merchants, issuers and others are strongly encouraged to consult with the relevant payment networks, vendors and other stakeholders prior to implementation of any changes to current payment processes.

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